筑波大学保健管理センター > 健康診断 > 健康診断予定表 > 令和6年度 学生定期健康診断について

令和6年度 学生定期健康診断について

令和6年度 学生定期健康診断の実施について(PDF)



 身長・体重・血圧・視力・尿・内科診察 … 全員
 胸部X線 … 新入生・健康診断証明書に胸部X線の結果が必要な学生
 心電図 … 学群新入生・体育専門学群生


   ** 予約は終了しました。 **
   ** 現在は終了しております **


 大学会館2F 講堂ホワイエ


  • 学生証 … 受付時に取り出せるようにしておいてください。
  • マスク
  • 検尿容器
  • 【胸部X線撮影対象者のみ】


  1. 当日は、必ず自宅で体温を測定してからお越しください。体調不良の場合は受診できません。
  2. 健康診断の受付後は、当日中に受診を終わらせてください。
  3. 未受診者には健康診断証明書の発行ができませんので必ず受診してください。就職活動・実習・アルバイト等で必要となることがあります。休学中でも受診できます。
  4. 健康診断の結果はTWINSにて閲覧できます。閲覧可能となりましたら保健管理センターのホームページでお知らせいたします。健康診断証明書は、自動証明発行機での発行となります(在学中のみ)。閲覧・発行できない場合は保健管理センターまでお問い合わせください。
  5. 社会人学生で職場などで健康診断を受診する場合は、身体検査の受診は不要です。東京キャンパスの学生で健診受診予定のない方は、別途案内する「東京・千葉地区の職員健康診断」の日程で受診してください。
  6. 特別な配慮が必要な学生は、ヒューマンエンパワーメント推進局までお問い合わせください。
  7. 令和6年度秋入学者については、別途案内します。
  8. 健康診断に関して不明の点があるときは、保健管理センターにお問い合わせください。なお、感染症の拡大状況によっては、日程の変更や実施を見送る可能性もあります。



 4月11日(木) - 5月31日(金)

にアクセスし、「学生定期健康診断 こころの健康調査」の入力を行ってください。

Regarding the 2024 Student Health Examination

The 2024 Student Health Examination will be divided into a physical examination and a mental health survey as follows. Please be sure to take the examination if you are eligible.
Regarding the 2024 Student Health Examination(PDF)

1. Physical Examination

 All students (excluding those who have already taken the exam in February 2024)

【Test Items】

  • Height, Weight, Blood pressure, Visual acuity, Urine test, Check by Doctor: All students
  • Chest X-Ray: Students who enrolled in 2024 and students who need chest X-ray results for health certificate
  • ECG: Undergraduate students who enrolled in 2024 and students of the School of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences

To take the exam, you are required to access the following web appointment page and select your desired time within the designated date and time.

   ** Reservation closed. **
You can confirm or cancel your reservation from the following page.
   ** closed **
If you register with Gmail, you will not receive a reservation confirmation e-mail required on the above page. Please use another address (e.g. @u.tsukuba~). If you use a carrier email, the reservation confirmation email may be in your “junk mail folder”.

  • If you cannot make a reservation, please come directly to the University Hall during the above time slots.
  • 【Reception】
     University Hall 2F

    【What to bring】

    • Student ID card: Please make sure that you can show the back of it at the reception.
    • Mask:
      You are required to wear your mask.
      (Please wear a mask at the health examination site in accordance with medical institutions.)
    • Urine container:
      Please obtain an urine container beforehand at the Academic Service Offices after April 1. You need to bring your first urine on the checkup day. If you are on your period and want to take a urine test at a later date, let us know at the urine test venue.
    • 【For those who take chest X-ray】
       ・Plain T-shirt or underwear without any pictures on it (please come dressed):
         We cannot lend you inspection clothes.
       ・Hair elastic or barrette:
         Please tie your long hair up. We cannot lend you hair elastics.


    1. You are requested to measure body temperature at home before the check-up. If you are in bad physical condition, you cannot take the check-up.
    2. All check-up items should be done in one day.
    3. You are required to undergo the annual health check-up; if you miss it, you cannot get a health certificate in this academic year. The health certificate may be required for job hunting, practical training, part-time job, etc. You can take the health examination even if you are on a leave of absence.
    4. The results of the physical examination can be viewed at TWINS. We will post a notification on University Health Center webpage when ready. You can get a health certificate by automatic certificate issuing machines. In case you cannot get it, please ask us (University Health Center) for help.
    5. If you are a working adult and receive a health examination at your workplace, you do not need to take the University health examination. If you are a working adult of Tokyo Campus and have no plan to take a health exam at your workplace, please refer to “The schedule of the health exam for the University staff in Tokyo Campus” which will be separately delivered.
    6. If you need special consideration, please consult the Bureau of Human Empowerment.
      For disability: E-mail: shougai-shien(at)un.tsukuba.ac.jp
      For gender: E-mail: diversity-au(at)un.tsukuba.ac.jp
       *Please replace (at) with @, the at symbol.
    7. For any questions on the check-up, please contact us.
    8. Please note that the schedule may be changed depending on the spread of infection.

    2. Mental Health Survey

     All students

     April 11 (Thursday) - May 31 (Friday)

    【How to take the survey】
     You are required to access the following web page and answer the questionnaire.