筑波大学保健管理センター > 健康診断 > 筑波大学職員健康診断について


Omission of Health Examination for Those Engaged in Ionizing Radiation Work

If only “電離放射線健康診断1” is listed in ‘本日の受診コース’ on your medical examination ticket and you are all of the following conditions(1-6) are satisfied, you can omit the inspection and only a medical questionnaire may be submitted.

【対象者 Eligible persons】
Ionizing radiation workers who meet all the conditions below

  1. 新規登録・再登録者ではない(これまでも登録を継続している)。
  2. 前年一年間に受けた実効線量が5mSv未満。
  3. 今後一年間に5mSvを超える被ばくの恐れがない。
  4. 放射線業務による、眼と皮膚の自覚症状がない。
  5. 保健管理センターより「検査省略不可」の指示をされていない。
  6. 学外施設利用者においては、学外施設の主任者から検査受診を要求されていない。
  1. Not a newly registered radiation workers or those who have renewed their registration (has been continuously registered)
  2. The annual effective dose received in the previous academic year was less than 5mSv.
  3. No possibility of radiation exposure above 5mSv in the coming academic year.
  4. No eye or skin symptoms due to radiation work.
  5. You have not received instructions from the University Health Center that you cannot omit any tests.
    (If the inspection cannot be omitted, the Center will contact you before the Health Examination.)
  6. For users of facilities outside, you have not been required by managers of facilities outside the university to undergo the health examination.
For those listed only

【提出方法 How to Submit】

  1. 以下より『問診票』を各自プリントアウト(白黒可)し、ペンで記入。
    Print out the “Medical Questionnaire” from the link below and fill in the form with a pen.
    ※受付期間外です。Out of the period of acceptance.
  2. 登録施設の放射線管理室へ提出
    Submit to the Radiation Management Department of their registered institution.
    ※It is not necessary to submit a medical examination ticket.
    (For the University of Tsukuba Hospital, Care Facility Section, Division of Medical Support, Department of University Hospital Management or the Functional Test Reception C201)