筑波大学保健管理センター > 最新情報 > 学生定期健康診断結果がTWINSで確認できます!Students can view the results of Student Health Examination on TWINS!

学生定期健康診断結果がTWINSで確認できます!Students can view the results of Student Health Examination on TWINS!


Students can now view the results of your Student Health Examination in the TWINS "Student information". The results of the latest Student Health Examination conducted by the university will be displayed. Please check the results and make use of them for your daily health management.
You can also print it out, but it cannot be used as a certificate of Student Health Examination. Please continue to use the Automatic Certificate Issuing Machine for issuing the Health Certificate.

2022年2月1日 | Author: 保健管理センター