筑波大学保健管理センター > 最新情報 > インフルエンザについて INFLUENZA

インフルエンザについて INFLUENZA

The School Health and Safety Act bans students, teachers and all school employees those who are infected with influenza (flu) to come to school until five days have passed from the day the first symptoms showed and two days after the fever dropped.
As the University Health Center does not offer influenza tests for diagnosis, please visit another medical facility according to your medical needs.

【対策 How to Prevent Infections】
We strongly advise you to wash hands frequently, especially when you come back from outside and to cover your coughs. In case you find any symptoms of flu, go home as soon as possible and visit a medical institution. There are drugs specifically effective to shorten the period to recover from flu if correctly diagnosed and prescribed in the early stage.
You can learn more details from:
<インフルエンザに関する報道発表資料 Press Statements on Flu>
<茨城県感染症情報センター Ibaraki Infection Information Center>
(Note: The above pages are only in Japanese.)
【登校・出席・勤務との関係 School and Influenza】
Influenza is designated as one of the Category V Infectious Diseases according to the Infectious Diseases Control Law and is categorized as a Category II Infection by the School Health and Safety Act. The law bans commuting to school until five days have passed since the first symptoms showed and two days since the temperature became normal. By submitting a notification of absence (a form is available at your department office) along with a medical certificate when you are completely recovered, you may be given special consideration for the coursework you missed while you were absent from school because of flu.
【インフルエンザとは What is Flu?】
Flu is a respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses. The symptoms are apparently more severe than common colds.
【潜伏期間 Incubation Period】
One to three days.
【症状 Symptoms】
Fever, headache, cough, sore throat, running nose, muscle pains, and occasionally vomiting and digestive disorders.Fever develops comparatively higher than common colds and severe general fatigue is felt. Some people do not have a sore throat or the symptom may not as severe as general symptoms.
【インフルエンザウィルス Influenza Viruses】
There are three types of the Influenza viruses: A, B and C. In this season, A virus -H 1 pdm09 (the virus that caused the 2009 pandemic), A virus subtype H1N1 (USSR), A virus subtype H 3N2 (Hong Kong) and B virus are pandemic.
【感染の仕方 How Influenza Viruses Spread】
Droplets infections (taking in viruses in coughs and sneezes of the infected) and contact infections (touching the mouth or the nose by hands that touched things with viruses) are common ways of spreading viruses.
【診断 Diagnosis】
Flu is tested on the principle of antigen-antibody reaction. Your doctor will collect mucus swabbing your nose and diagnoses by the colour development that comes out in a few minutes. The test may result in negative if it is administered too early as the viruses have not developed enough to be detected.
【治療法 Treatment】
インフルエンザに特異的に効く薬があります。オセルタミビル(タミフル)、ザナミビル(リレンザ)、ラニナミビル(イナビル)、バロキサビル マルボキシル(ゾフルーザ)、ペラミビル(ラピアクタ)、などです。
There are specific drugs for influenza; Oseltamivir (Tamiflu), Zanamivir (Relenza), Laninamivir (Inavir), Baloxavir Marboxil (Xofluza), Peramivir (Rapiacta), etc.
【予防のポイント Prevention】
Washing hands, covering coughs and receiving vaccines are major prevention methods. Portable hand sanitizer gel is convenient when water is not available to wash hands. Cover your mouth with a handkerchief, Kleenex or a mask when you cough and sneeze not to spread droplets.
【参考サイト Reference】
・厚生労働省 今冬のインフルエンザ総合対策について
 Information on Prevention for Influenza from Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare
・国立感染症研究所 National Institute of Infectious Diseases
・東京都感染症情報センター Tokyo Metropolitan Infectious Disease Surveillance Center

2019年10月15日 | Author: 保健管理センター